The 100 Best iPad Apps of 2014-3

Communication Apps
AIM to TextPlus



AIM is easily one of the best instant-messenger apps on the iPad. You can set up multiple usernames (and switch among them at any time), send IMs to any phone that supports text messaging, receive social network updates, and chat with Facebook and Google Talk users.

Duolingo (for iPad)


If you're looking to learn or practice a language on an iPad, Duolingo is indisputably the way to go. The potentially major limitation will be whether Duolingo supports your language of choices, as the list remains tight. Fortunately, Duolingo does include many of the languages most studied by English speakers: Spanish, French, German, Italian, and Portuguese (Brazilian). It also has an English (American) learning program for speakers for those languages, except German. The app and program are both 100 percent free, and they still outshine practically every other language-learning app we've seen—even the very expensive ones.



Prolific texters who want to save money on SMS messages will find textPlus a very solid alternative to dipping into their mobile budgets.

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